Load these environment variables into your current shell with the Bash source built-in command. 使用Bashsource内置命令将这些环境变量加载到您当前的shell中。
This kind of work is best done using a loop, such as for, while, or until, with the loop executed repeatedly with some built-in delay provided by the sleep command. 循环可以很好地执行这类任务,例如for、while或until,同时使用sleep命令提供的内置延迟反复执行循环。
Populating a file like this by hand runs the risk of inadvertently creating duplicate IP addresses or host names, so this is a good example of using the built-in command line to eliminate user errors. 手动填充这样的文件有可能会创建重复的IP地址或主机名,因此这是使用内置命令行消除用户错误的好例子。
Use the built-in type command of the shell to reveal the truth. 使用Shell内置的type命令可以揭示实际的情况。
Vim has very sophisticated syntax highlighting facilities, which you can turn on with the built-in: syntax enable command, and off again with: syntax off. Vim提供有非常复杂的语法突出显示功能,该特性可以通过内置:syntaxenable命令启用,并使用:syntaxoff命令关闭。
There are two ways to remove a single entry from a dictionary: the built-in remove() function, or the unlet command 将一个独立条目从字典中删除有两种方法:使用内置的remove()函数,或者使用unlet命令
Vim provides a built-in command that allows you to remove duplicate lines from a file Vim提供一个内置的命令,允许您从一个文件中删除重复的行
If a UNIX utility achieves a particular task, fish does not repeat the feature as a built-in command. 如果一个UNIX实用程序能够完成某一任务,fish就不会通过内置命令重复提供此特性。
The u option causes the built-in sort command to remove duplicate lines ( once they've been sorted), and the leading% applies that special sort to the entire file. u选项会使内置的sort命令删除重复的行(如果它们已经被存储),前导的%会应用那个特殊的sort来应用到整个文件。
Otherwise, Vimscript will assume that the function call is actually a built-in Vim command and will most likely complain that no such command exists. 否则,Vimscript将假设该函数调用实际上是一个内置的Vim命令,并且很可能会发出报警,指出并不存在这类命令。
Tcsh provides the built-in variable correct, which helps you correct invalid command usage. tcsh提供内置变量correct,这有助于纠正无效的命令用法。
To turn options on with the built-in command set, use the-o switch. 若要开启内置命令集选项,请使用-o开关。
The type command also shows that cd is a built-in command and is duplicated externally as/ usr/ bin/ cd. type命令还显示出,cd是一个内置的命令,并且与外部命令/usr/bin/cd是相同的。
To catch a signal that is sent to your process, use the built-in trap command. 要捕捉发送到您的进程的信号,请使用内置的trap命令。
Git provides a single built-in revert command with its typical rocket-scientist-only syntax. Git只提供一个内置的revert命令,而且语法非常复杂。
The built-in shell command getopt does just that job. 内置的shell命令getopt可以完成这个任务。
The Reset command restores the built-in toolbar button or menu command to its original image, name, and command. “重新设置”命令可以将内置的工具栏按钮或菜单命令恢复为其初始图像、名称和命令。